Job: Before & After!!!

Its been 3 months since I joined my present office.. Initially I hated it to the core… The atmosphere compared to my first job was so different… Daily I used to nag to my husband saying I will resign n stuff like tht.. Now I have completed three months getting adjusted but still thr is smthng which tis office lacks.. L

Before and after joining my new office:
A comparative study between my old office n my new one… I love my old office.. It was an MNC.. no older flocks around.. loots of fun..

Before: Never have I been lonely.. always had a dozen of friends around
After: No dozens of friends flocking around… here even three is a crowd!

Before: Office was a place to click photos… Every passing week had a new album to our credit..
After: Office is meant to work… n work.. n to WORK!!! Here photos are only meant for ur ID cards!

Before: The whole atmosphere was full of life.. people talking continuously…playing pranks…
After: The whole place looks deserted… the clock ticking is also audible.. a-la Ram Gopal Verma film !

Before: Lunch break was the best part… around 13 of us sitting n chatting…used to have our lunch for solid one hour…
After: As per the company rules lunch break is only for half an hour.. no one accompanies for lunch.. n I gulp my food in a record time of 15 minsL

Before: V had around 16 canteens serving Chinese, Indian(south & north), Chats, snacks.. thr were plenty of choices…we just had to come to the ground floor and it looked like a food festivalJ
After: There is only one canteen… no separate menu… need to walk almost a kilometer to reach the canteen…

Before: Never had transportation problem… it was accessible from any place in the city..
After: Its almost 30kms away from city… Missing the office bus will give a heart attack!!! Its next to impossible to find any means of transportation to tht route.

Before: Work was hassle free (paper free)… no rocket science involved n things were pretty clear…
After: Oh my god even to take a leave the process is so enduring.. loads of permissions.. taking a leave is as good as murdering someone.. the boss stares at you as if u have committed a big crime….

The list goes on n on… Inspite of all these shortfalls I work… Am I not adjusting? Tell me lol ;)

P.S:… but still thr is smthng which tis office lacks.. (Giggle giggle… In my earlier office I had my hubby always wit me.. v used to hv coffee tgthr, used to hang around!!
Am I missing him??? :P)


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