My love!!!

Today is our 6th month wedding anniversary!!!!
Oh my god…  I still remember, spending long hours on calls (esp late nights), the days wen things went berserk at home, pre-marriage sweet talks, buying gifts every alternate day, sending long sms I also remember sending him blank sms and sms in arabic language lol … shopping for my wedding, giving each other surprises.. everything is so fresh in my memory and now it has been 6 month since I have started living with my love and to describe how it feels, in one word I would say “OUTSTANDING”….!!!!
Though we had a long courtship of 4 years.. I still had my own set of inhibitions and fear of getting married like any other ordinary girl.. I knew him in and out but my main fear was about the family, which always would play an integral role… I was worried and tensed…But now six months down the line, Im a totally changed person.
Despite the cultural shock I could get along with all his family membersJ My parents stay thousands of miles away and it is not feasible to meet them regularly.. and in these six months I haven’t met them once.. I feel home sick at times  (miss u amma(mom).. miss u acha(dad)..) his parents compensate my parents void! And I believe tht my life is truly is a blessing!!!
I was never an expert in cooking (neither am I now!).. The difference is at home I used to never even make an attempt.. but now I try making different dishes, I love cooking dishes which are his favourites J It’s a different feeling when u cook for ur luv! Post marriage extra attention is paid to his taste, his needs are attended to.. at times I like wen he bosses me too J, which he does very rarely!  (oh my god, soppie is tht u?? :P)

I also feel blessed bcoz he is not like me.. yes u read it right J.. he is not like me n thts the best thing in himJ I wish I had patience like him.. wish I could be so cool and composed… one best and a very simple example which I can give about his patience and his composed nature is :
Situation: Imagine he is sleeping… In a deep sleep, early in the morning. If I go and disturb him , he jus opens his eyes… gives me a sweet smile pulls down his little cushion that he places over his face and would ask me “em ayindi nana? (what happened honey?)”
Situation: Imagine the same situation, but if its me who is sleeping and if he disturbs me…. My eyebrows frown, and I get irritated.. “abba enduku padukonivavu? (why the hell do u always disturb me while sleeping? Grrr…)” this will be my question in a very irritated tone with a dirty look… L (Sorry dear I nvr do it intentionally!!)
This is just an example… I know he has his own set of drawbacks.. so do I and so do u… I love him inspite of all his short comings…  
 We are celebrating our first milestone and three cheers to us J I like to cherish all these tiny moments and wish to celebrate'em bcoz I know how hard it was to get here… it was not easy.. n now looking back I feel EVERYTHING WAS WORTH FOR THIS GUY!!!!


  1. Aww... happy half yearly! I so want to get married now! :P

  2. @Shomoita: Thnku dear... hmm hope u get married soooooooooon...


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