B Nice!
Im irritated and looks like there are no sensible people around… Im tired being good.. im tired being nice to people. Im irritated like hell…
OK lemme try to figure out the reasons for my low mood. Here is the breakdown:
· Y the hell should I work on a weekend?
· Y cant I have a decent sleep of 6hrs (am I demanding more???)
· Y cant people appreciate me? (When they know to nag for a small fault of mine thn thy must also learn the art of appreciating for good things tht I do!!!)
· Y shld I always compromise?? Im ready for adjustments in life but don’t want to lead a compromised life!! Tht sucks…
· Wen I think about people around me how can they be indifferent towards me?? Are’nt they being insensitive?
Awwwwwwwwwwww................... GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
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