
Showing posts from 2011

Tagged - Behind the Wordages!!!

A Bit late than planned.. had a hectic weekend so cudnt squeeze out time for my blog.. n now Im back on track… 1.     What encouraged you to create your own blog and write the very first meaningful blog post? Ohh.. To be frank I was into blogging from last year.. I was helping my Director sir (my boss) in his blogging (right from editing, posting, designing his poetry)..   n some time later my hubby (then my fiancé :P) also started blogging n I also helped him out in designing, editing n posting… Though I was helping around everyone in blogging I never had an urge to start a blog for   myself… Actually I never had time for that because life was full of fun... I was always surrounded with tons of friends.. n I shared my thoughts, dreams, desires n fears with either my parents, sister, friends, my boyfriend… I had many many people to share evn d crankiest thought I had … Thn I got married.. after 6 months of my marriage I started realizing that I had to prioritiz...

My Learning Experience...

Yippie!!! I’m learning how to drive a two wheeler.. I agree its not rocket -science for a person who already knows how to drive a bicycle.. I used to drive bicycle during my school days :P.. (those days were awesome.. racing on tricycles and bicycles..haha)…My sis had a two wheeler n evn I used to drive it at times.. though I was not allowed to take a ride on the main roads. Unfortunately my sis met with a vry small accident.. no major injuries though.. (she fell down wen a street dog tried to crossover and in order to SAVE the dog she turned the bike briskly and lost balance.. and a THUD!!!! She fell down with the bike over her…it sounds funny now :P)but my over protective parents NEVER allowed us to drive bike from thn..   its almost 8 years and now my hubby has a two wheeler… I like driving but somehow tht accident filled in fear in me.. I lost tht confidence… Im happy tht I hav started it again.. I have been asking my sweetheart to guide me in my second innings to master the ...

Im back!!!

Well.. Its been a long time since I have blogged.. Im back from my short vacation.. happy n very contended meeting my loved ones.... family get togethers are always fun n d day wen v leave them fills me with some weird feelings.... yeah weird!! I sometimes feel I may not b able to meet thm later.. wht if somethng happens to me? So I make it a point (at least try to make) tht whtever I think of doing for others I never postpone... Tht somehow gives me a sense of incompleteness.. a kind of fear engulfs me :( anyways.. Im back and will upload all my pending posts.. Many r queued up n d pile seems to be increasing (like my office work)... I daily go to office with full of energy n with a steady mind thinking I should complete my case my evening at any cost (By the way my work is to write Case studies for MBA Grads) but somehow tht thought does'nt linger for more than 15 mins... I try hard.. but I end up checking my gmail.. blog.. read articles(which are in no way related to my area of...

Happy Onam

 Happy Onam...  Im very excited.. Im going home tomoro.. Its Onam!!! Its been six months since I have seen my parents.. aww Im missing them terribly.. Missing my moms food!! Mmmmmm yummy!!! By the way my cooks super duper good.. n all my neighbors used to flock to her to taste n learn receipes frm   her.. but I never entered kitchen at my home!:P   n Im missing my dads funny one liners.. Im my dads pet too.. Im his little princess J Eagerly waiting to c my sis n her newborn..:) Excited to exchange gifts n will take loads of pics… J n Im going by air for the first time n hope evn tis experience will be cherished… buh byeeee….

B Nice!

Im irritated and looks like there are no sensible people around… Im tired being good.. im tired being nice to people. Im irritated like hell… OK lemme try to figure out the reasons for my low mood. Here is the breakdown: ·          Y the hell should I work on a weekend? ·          Y cant I have a decent sleep of 6hrs (am I demanding more???) ·          Y cant people appreciate me? (When they know to nag for a small fault of mine thn thy must also learn the art of appreciating for good things tht I do!!!) ·          Y shld I always compromise?? Im ready for adjustments in life but don’t want to lead a compromised life!! Tht sucks… ·          Wen I think about people around me how can they be indifferent towards me?? Are’nt they being insensitive? Awwwwwwwwwwww................... GGRRRRRRRRRR...

Job: Before & After!!!

Its been 3 months since I joined my present office.. Initially I hated it to the core… The atmosphere compared to my first job was so different… Daily I used to nag to my husband saying I will resign n stuff like tht.. Now I have completed three months getting adjusted but still thr is smthng which tis office lacks.. L Before and after joining my new office: A comparative study between my old office n my new one… I love my old office.. It was an MNC.. no older flocks around.. loots of fun.. Before: Never have I been lonely.. always had a dozen of friends around After: No dozens of friends flocking around… here even three is a crowd! Before: Office was a place to click photos… Every passing week had a new album to our credit.. After: Office is meant to work… n work.. n to WORK!!! Here photos are only meant for ur ID cards! Before: The whole atmosphere was full of life.. people talking continuously…playing pranks… After: The whole place looks deserted… the clock ticking is also audi...

My love!!!

Today is our 6 th month wedding anniversary!!!! Oh my god…   I still remember, spending long hours on calls (esp late nights), the days wen things went berserk at home, pre-marriage sweet talks, buying gifts every alternate day, sending long sms I also remember sending him blank sms and sms in arabic language lol … shopping for my wedding, giving each other surprises.. everything is so fresh in my memory and now it has been 6 month since I have started living with my love and to describe how it feels, in one word I would say “ OUTSTANDING ”….!!!! Though we had a long courtship of 4 years.. I still had my own set of inhibitions and fear of getting married like any other ordinary girl.. I knew him in and out but my main fear was about the family, which always would play an integral role… I was worried and tensed…But now six months down the line, Im a totally changed person. Despite the cultural shock I could get along with all his family members J My parents stay thousands of miles...

A phone conversation- Part I

The conversation was on for some time. Two best friends…The time around 11.30 pm… both of them not ready to hang the call despite continuous yawning…the topics varied from exams, commenting on lecturers, gossiping about college friends.. their affair stories…and then… Him: Do u have any affair? Her: No, I don’t…. Do u? Him: No… Her: Come on don’t lie…   B honest… Him: hmmm… (a deep sigh…) and a long pause.. Her: Hello, hailo, helluuu…. R u thr? Him: yes.. (in a deeper tone).. I’ll tell u the truth.. I like a girl…n she is from our college… Her: Ohh fooo.. great… hmmm who is tht? Frm our class? Or our juniors? Him: No no not our junior.. she is from our class Her:   do I know her?? Him: yes very well…. Her: (guessing it to be her frnds frm her gang.. gives out two three names…) Him: Noooo… (In a irritated tone) Her: (Sarcastically, with her usual bubbly attitude.). “now don’t say its me!! (giggling)”… hmm give me hint as to who it is.. Him: hmm what if its U?? ...

Double ka Meetha

This Saturday being a holiday I prepared double ka meetha ( a favourite dessert for many hyderabadi’s which is made from bread ) … I asked the receipe from a colleague of mine. I tried doing it in my own method, and it really turned out to be lip smacking good. So thought of sharing it on my blog . It is also very easy to prepare. But remember its my method of cooking J Ingredients : ·          One small loaf of bread ( I prefer fruit bread… it has got tuty-fruity too) ·          3/4th cup sugar ·          One and half cup Milk ·          Two or three cardamom ·          Ghee for frying Step number One: Cut the bread into halves ( diagonally ), and fry it in ghee. ( Tips : Jus dry the bread before doing it.. it comes out very crispier and also note lots and loooots of ghee is required to fr...

Mood swings...

Im very talkative person by nature.. but I hv my own set of mood swings.. Right now Im in such a low mood… I dnt feel like talking to anyone.. I prefer talking to myself, atleast for some time.. hope nobody disturbs me… I feel much better when I start talking to myself.. no Im not an introvert! I don’t really understand why people are so mean; what do they derive by acting indifferent?? Do thy find pleasure in tht?? Cant they c Im hurt? Y don’t people around make any effort to b humane.. Im very pissed off…very irritated..   I wish I cud jus relax n wish I had a delete button on my mind… but I really dnt want to delete it.. becoz I never want to forget how they made me feel… wish someday even I cud make them feel exactly the way they made me feel.. U call it revenge and I call it scorpio sting!! Jus to show them how much it hurts.. But sometimes we become so helpless.. v cant do tht jus becoz our heart doesn’t allow us… n tis stupid feeling prevails through out the day.. sometim...

My Travelogue..

Jus wanted to share a bitter experience of mine during our visit to Vizag. Well, In the month of May 2011,I n my hubby along with our two newly wed frnds took a break from our work and planned a small weekend tour to Vizag. The journey from Hyderabad to vizag was be frank we couldn’t enjoy the scenic location because we were interacting with each other spouses.. Getting down in the station of vizag was like stepping into a hot shower.. Summer being very humid there, we realized that we visited the place at a wrong time. Nonetheless, we headed towards our jouney with full of zeal. We booked our rooms from Haritha Hotels and Resorts, vizag. There three suite rooms (number 401, 402 and 403 respectively) were already booked for May 7 2011 and May 8 2011. The whole experience of staying there was pathetic. Our rooms were on the third floor and the hotel didnt have a lift facility. We had to take the stairs after a long journey. Once we entered our rooms, the room service was no...

Lucky Mascot!

Im sooo happy today.. My hubby got a la laaa la....  Im not excited becoz hez got a promotion (ofcourse Im happy for him).. whts even more exciting for me is that he felt, "I'm his lucky mascot"!!!